Apple's iPad Pro M4 is as thin as possible

Apple has been on a mission to make all of its devices thinner and lighter. This ambition has led to curved iPhones and MacBook Pros that have been stripped of their main plugs and difficult to use keyboards.

In recent years, Apple has shifted the device to focus on battery life, sockets and other key features, rather than the thinness of the device. But this trend has changed. According to a new report, Apple is back to focus on thinness, and it will arrive for the iPhone, MacBook Pro and Apple Watch soon. The recent iPad Pro M4 suggests that Apple may be successful now. The new iPad Pro M4 is not only thinner, it is the thinnest device Apple has ever made, it is even thinner than the iPod shuffle and nano.

We can not deny that the first impression of the iPad Pro M4 is very thin and light compared to the previous iPad, but this thinness also raises concerns about the poor experience of thin device bugs. From the past.

The main concern is the battery level and its curvature, but with the battery and rigorous testing, the iPad Pro M4 proves that there are no such concerns.

The M4 iPad Pro sets a new standard for thin devices. It does not waste battery power and it is not fragile. Not only that, it also integrates into the most advanced technology ever in the iPad. The iPad Pro M4 shows that Apple has learned from its mistakes in the past and can make thinner and lighter devices.

The next-generation iPhone, MacBook Pro and Apple Watch have all benefited from the success of the iPad Pro. If Apple can maintain its current standards for battery life while making the iPhone, MacBook Pro and Watch thinner and lighter, those new devices will represent some of the most significant hardware advances in recent years. Recently. Not everyone wants a thinner device, and some may prefer a thicker model but get a bigger battery, but Apple's choice with the iPad Pro M4 is overwhelmingly positive.

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