Elon Musk claims Tesla's new AI cluster will reach over 500 MW

Elon Musk claims that Tesla's new AI supercluster technology will increase to over 500 MW, making it one of the largest devices in the world. Meanwhile, executives claim that Tesla is achieving some record-breaking processes with its next-generation AI chip.

A few months ago, we reported that Tesla was having trouble building a new expansion in Gigafactory Texas to build a new giant computer to train Tesla's AI.

At the time, we heard that Tesla intended for the 100-megawatt cluster to be ready by August. Musk canceled another project at Tesla to focus construction resources on expansion.

Commenting on the drone video of the expansion, Musk said it will reach more than 500 MW in the next 18 months. Musk has confirmed that Tesla plans to use both its hardware and Nvidia, as well as other suppliers.

Sizing for ~ 130MW of power & cooling this year, but will increase to> 500MW over next 18 months or so. Aiming for about half Tesla AI hardware, half Nvidia / other. Play to win or don't play at all.

Elon Musk

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